TRAILER: We Built It That Way
Two and a half minutes of us trying to convince you to subscribe to our new show!
And by us, we mean AJ Fawver and Jordan Clark, your friends who work in urban planning and apparently don't have anything better to do than to nerd out off the clock. But we nerd out in a charming and approachable way. (When you tell your friends and coworkers about this new show, make sure to sell it with exactly those words: "charming and approachable.)
This is a show for curious people, where we'll question why the built environment is built the way it is, and what it says about who we are.
Here is your homework between now and next week:
- Subscribe now to make sure you don't miss out on Episode 1, coming Friday, October 8.
- Follow us on Twitter (for now). Send us instructions about how to create a TikTok and also what is Tiktok? ;)
- Tell literally every single person in your life that their life is about to change forever, and when they ask why, text them the link to our show page and slink off mysteriously. (That last part helps to build the buzz, probably.)
Music is from: Sounds of the Supermarket